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Warning. We are a direct resource that has the opportunity to improve your life. We do not ask you to use our service. It's simply inevitable.

Start trading
Get up to $100,000 of your
trading deposit
What is prop trading?

We provide an opportunity to receive a deposit for management from 5 to 100 thousand dollars by fulfilling the conditions of our competition.

After the purchase, you get an account for the selected amount and at the first stage, your task is to make a 7% profit following our risk management rules.

After passing the 1st stage, you get a 2nd stage account where your task is to show 5% profitability following the same rules.


Get your Funded account and receive payments with an 80/20 split in your favor every 2 weeks.

Please note that the rules on the funded account are minimally different from those you had in the contest. So pay attention to all the rules.

Select your account

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Why choose
Fundead Masters

Masters is a brand that has already proven itself on the Ukrainian market for over two years. Our main concept is simplicity and transparency.

We want to bring world-class service to the Ukrainian market so that our audience has more opportunities to start their journey in trading.